Lamkhaga Pass Trek

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From: ₹41.500,00
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About this tour

The historic route connecting the remotest valleys of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradseh

Lamkhaga Pass trek is one of the most rewarding Himalayan treks that you can choose to explore. Lamkhaga pass is a high-altitude pass situated at a height of 5282 meters. It is one of the remotest and challenging high-altitude treks in Uttarakhand Himalayas. The first mountaineer to cross this pass was the Greek-British mountaineer named Marco Pallis.

However, it is also believed that this route was used since old times by traders, explorers and pilgrims since it acted as a bridge between the mountainous regions of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. Thus it is one of the most special treks in Uttarakhand. You can start this trek from Harsil, Uttarakhand and you will arrive in Chitkul, Himachal Pradesh. The trek takes you through a variety of mesmerising Himalayan landscapes including moraines, crevasses, glaciers, boulder patches, vast meadows and high-altitude alpine forests.

This trek is often considered to be one of the most challenging treks in the Himalayas. This is why it is recommended for only experienced trekkers who have impeccable levels of fitness and can handle trekking in adverse terrain and climate. This trek literally takes you from one state of India to another. One of the most challenging things about this trek is the fact that you gain almost 10,000 feet of altitude in a short time. This needs great fitness and acclimatization on your part. Since this is a high-altitude trek with the pass at heights of above 17000 feet, it is covered with snow for most of the year. The best time to do this trek is May-June and September- October.


  • Regions: Harsil Valley, District Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand to Chitkul, District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
  • Duration: 8 Nights and 9 Days
  • Grade: Difficult
  • Max altitude: 5282 metres
  • Approx trekking distance:

Brief Itinerary

  • Day 1: Drive from Dehra Dun to Harsil valley (270 kilometres)
  • Day 2: Trek from Harsil to Lal Devta (6 kilometres)
  • Day 3: Trek Lal Devta to Kyarkoti (10 kilometres)
  • Day 4: Trek from Kyarkoti to Sukatal (9 kilometres)
  • Day 5: Trek from Sukatal to Lamkhaga Pass base camp (7 kilometres)
  • Day 6: Trek from Lamkhaga Pass base camp to Gundar via Lamkhaga Pass (5282 metres) with overnight camp at Gundar (8 kilometres)
  • Day 7: Trek from Gundar to Naithal Thach via the Baspa River crossing (10 kilometres)
  • Day 8: Trek from Naithal Thach to Ranikanda (12 kilometres)
  • Day 9: Trek or drive from Ranikanda to Chitkul (9 kilometres)


  • Accommodation (guesthouse and tents)
  • Meals
  • Government permits, forest camping and environmental fees
  • Trekking equipment (tent, sleeping bag with mattress, dining and toilet tent)
  • Cook and porters for carrying food material and equipment
  • Mountaineering Certified Guide and trek leader
  • Team Himalayan View specializes in leading treks and challenging mountain expeditions with humbleness and respect for the environment ensuring client safety as the prime motive of the team.



Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


Harsil valley

2745 meters

270 km

Overnight stay in a guesthouse

This is the first day of our journey. We will be driving from Dehradun to Harsil valley. Harsil is one of the most beautiful riverside Himalayan hamlets in Uttarakhand. The Harsil valley reminds you of those beautiful postcards which made you wonder whether such magical places really exist. We will reach Harsil in the evening. You can relax and take a walk in the small rustic market. The day ends with an overnight stay in a guesthouse. Get a good night’s sleep because the real adventure begins tomorrow!


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


Lal Devta

3170 meters

6 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

We will have a sumptuous breakfast and start our trek. You are going to thoroughly enjoy the first day of your trek. Today will be the day to warm up for the upcoming journey. You will find a steep 3 km ascent after the first 1 km which is very easy. Today we will trek a short distance and camp nearby a small temple which is a prominent place of worship for the local people. The name of this temple is Lal Devta. People from the tribal village, Bagori worship their deity in this temple.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance



3822 meters

6 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

Our destination for today is Kyarkoti – a picturesque high altitude bugyal. The lush green alpine meadows of Kyarkoti are a mesmerising sight to witness. The path takes you through dense forests, gradual ascents and descents along with enchanting waterfalls which are a refreshing sight. However, this day is going to be challenging and you might need some equipment to traverse the narrow valley and the treacherous terrain. You can explore the meadows of Kyarkoti when we reach. The night skies over this area are clear and you can clearly see stars. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance



4190 meters

9 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

This is the day we will cross the 4000-meter height and acclimatize to the high altitude. Relax on reaching the Sukatal campsite. Tomorrow, we have one of the most challenging days of this journey. Give your body the rest it needs. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


Lamkhaga Pass base camp

4674 meters

7 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

This is the highlight of the day. We are going to go to the Lamkhaga Pass base camp. This route will have tricky parts of boulders and you will need assistance and equipment. The climb at some parts is almost vertical. You will have to traverse through glaciers so be careful and enjoy the thrill of experiencing one of the remotest parts of Himalayas. The views you will get today will seem like right out of imagination. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


Gundar via Lamkhaga Pass

5282 meters

8 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

We will be crossing the Lamkhaga Pass today which is a legendary feat in itself. We will wake up early and leave the campsite after breakfast. This is going to be a long day with steep ascents and descents. The path is filled with boulders so watch your step. Walk with caution and enjoy the landscapes. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


Naithal Thach

3480 meters

10 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

Make sure you have a nice breakfast because you are going to need the energy. Today we are going to Naithal Thach. Thach means a meadow. We are going to descent and lose altitude. Watch your steps as you descend because controlling your speed while hiking down is essential. We will enter the Baspa valley by crossing the Baspa River. Today we will be entering the Kinnaur region of Himachal Pradesh. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance



3635 meters

12 km

Overnight stay in camping tents

Today we will continue the descent and reach Ranikanda. You will find yourself in a landscape full of flowery meadows and lush forests. You will get to witness nature in its purest glory. The path takes you through waterfalls and gives you a glimpse of Himalayan flora and fauna. The day ends with an overnight stay in tents.


Maximum Altitude

Trek Distance


3635 meters

9 km

This is the last day of our adventure. We are going to trek or drive to Chitkul, which is also called the last Indian village in Kinnaur calley due to its proximity to the Indo-Tibet border. We started from Gangotri valley and ended up in the Baspa valley. This is a historic journey through a historic pass which cuts short the distance between Himachal and Uttarakhand by almost 400 Kilometres! You have completed one of the most challenging and rewarding expeditions. Congratulations!


10 days

Tour's Location


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